Braddon, Mary Elizabeth
Źródło opisu
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Sekuła, Aleksandra
Kozioł, Paweł
Bekker, Alfred
Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846-1916)
Vandenberg, Patricia
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth
Christie, Agatha (1890-1976)
Żeleński, Tadeusz (1874-1941)
Popławska, Anna (filolog)
Zarawska, Patrycja (1970- )
Mickiewicz, Adam (1798-1855)
Kotwica, Wojciech
Ludwikowska, Jolanta (1962- )
Drewnowski, Jacek (1974- )
Ławnicki, Lucjan
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
King, Stephen (1947- )
Steel, Danielle (1947- )
Żeromski, Stefan (1864-1925)
Brzechwa, Jan (1900-1966)
Kowalska, Dorota
Roberts, Nora (1950- )
Prus, Bolesław (1847-1912)
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Włodarczyk, Barbara
Fabianowska, Małgorzata
Konopnicka, Maria (1842-1910)
Rzehak, Wojciech (1967- )
Wallace, Edgar
Montgomery, Lucy Maud (1874-1942)
Zimnicka, Iwona (1963- )
Beaumont, Émilie (1948- )
Chotomska, Wanda (1929-2017)
Gawryluk, Barbara (1957- )
Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875)
Konopnicka, Maria
Chmielewska, Joanna (1932-2013)
Kraszewski, Józef Ignacy (1812-1887)
Tuwim, Julian (1894-1953)
Lindgren, Astrid (1907-2002)
Kochanowski, Jan
Cartland, Barbara
Cholewa, Piotr W. (1955- )
Słowacki, Juliusz (1809-1849)
Shakespeare, William
Szulc, Andrzej
Disney, Walt (1901-1966)
Dickens, Charles
Buchner, Friederike von
Krzyżanowski, Julian (1892-1976)
Hackett, Pete
Maybach, Viola
Widmark, Martin (1961- )
Braiter-Ziemkiewicz, Paulina (1968- )
Waidacher, Toni
Lem, Stanisław (1921-2006)
Siudak, Jacek
Coben, Harlan (1962- )
Kijowska, Elżbieta (1950- )
Szal, Marek
Kasdepke, Grzegorz (1972- )
Goscinny, René (1926-1977)
Królicki, Zbigniew A. (1954- )
Mazan, Maciejka
Polkowski, Andrzej (1939-2019)
Widmark, Martin (1961- ). Biuro detektywistyczne Lassego i Mai
Verne, Jules
Willis, Helena (1964- )
Iwaszkiewicz, Jarosław (1894-1980)
Makuszyński, Kornel (1884-1953)
Ochab, Janusz (1971- )
Twain, Mark
Poe, Edgar Allan
Fredro, Aleksander (1793-1876)
Grimm, Jacob (1785-1863)
Słomczyński, Maciej (1920-1998)
Grimm, Wilhelm (1786-1859)
Verne, Jules (1828-1905)
Wasilewski, Kazimierz (ilustrator)
May, Karl
Pratchett, Terry (1948-2015)
Szancer, Jan Marcin (1902-1973)
Twain, Mark (1835-1910)
Tolkien, J. R. R. (1892-1973)
Strzałkowska, Małgorzata (1955- )
Grisham, John (1955- )
Doyle, Arthur Conan (1859-1930)
Siemianowski, Roch (1950- )
Webb, Holly
Kozak, Jolanta (1951- )
Karpiński, Marek (1948- )
Marlier, Marcel (1930-2011)
Dumas, Alexandre (1802-1870)
Górski, Wojciech (1971- )
Twardowski, Jan (1915-2006)
Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1849-1924)
Kinder-Kiss, Hanna (1958- )
Sparks, Nicholas (1965- )
Stelmaszyk, Agnieszka (1976- )
Dickens, Charles (1812-1870)
Dostojewski, Fiodor (1821-1881)
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
31 wyników Filtruj
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This is a highly sensational story, full of clever, sprightly, and powerful writing, although calculated to make us believe that modern society is sadly in need of moral improvement. Miss Braddon writes with great fluency and case, and appears to have a natural aptitude for plotting. In abandoning the stage and music - teaching for this department of literature, we do not think she has mistaken her vocation. The first chapter of 'Aurora Floyd' is a story in itself. It tells the history of Mr. Archibald Floyd who came from 'the land o' cakes,' and worked his way up in the world till he became the senior partner of the great banking firm of Floyd, Floyd and Floyd, Lombard Street. It pictures him at his country residence, a bachelor past the prime of life, desolate and wealthy. 'It follows him to the theatre of Lancashiretown, where he falls in love with an actress — Miss Eliza Prodder by name — and marries her immediately; her theatrical acquaintances assuring her, in language more sincere than elegant, that she would be a great fool to refuse an old fellow like him, with lots of money — for they had acquired an idea of his wealth by his treating them in an adjoining tavern. There is nothing very attractive about her but her bright, black eyes; she is a mystery to the ladies who meet her at her new home, and they speak evil and are jealous of her; she is amazed at the grandeur of her new position; but earthly glory is short - lived, she dies, leaving behind a helpless babe and an inconsolable husband ...
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Aurora, the spoiled daughter of a banker, receives an offer to get married. But almost before the wedding, the groom finds out about some secret. Aurora cannot open it and the lovers part. But the girl did not suffer for long, after a few months she marries another of her fans. But the secret has not gone away. She hangs over a married couple, spoils the life of Aurora.
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Aurora Floyd, Tochter aus bestem Haus, kehrt von einer Pariser Privatschule zurück nach Felden Woods, dem Landsitz ihres Vaters. Ihr Start ins gesellschaftliche Leben scheint perfekt, doch etwas muss in Paris geschehen sein, über das Aurora nicht reden will. Auch ihrem Verlobten gegenüber verweigert sie die Wahrheit, und so kommt es zum Bruch. Da wird die Leiche eines Mannes nahe Felden Woods entdeckt und Aurora des Mordes beschuldigt. Ihr Schweigen droht Aurora und der gesamten Familie zum Verhängnis zu werden.
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”Birds of Prey” is the first part of the story of Charlotte and her family and friends. At first, the birds of prey are a little confusing, since each of the first few chapters is a separate vignette about one of the characters, without any visible links to the others. The main plot theme revolves around the hunt for the legitimate descendant of a wealthy man whose great legacy awaited the gift. And in this context, there are several more or less unscrupulous people who trace this genealogy.
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The main theme of the plot revolves around hunting for the legitimate descendant of a rich man whose great legacy was expected to be bestowed. And in this context, there are several more or less unscrupulous people who trace this genealogy, some of which turn into the best people who are deeply immersed in betrayal and continue to remain evil until the very end. He seems so respectable on the surface, but his covert actions and manipulations with others were reprehensible.
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Ein Londoner Anwalt versucht, den Mord an seinem Freund aufzuklären, doch die wunderschöne Lady Audley will dies mit allen Mitteln verhindern. Ihm wird schnell klar, dass Lady Audley ein dunkles Geheimnis hütet. Um den Mörder seines Freundes finden zu können, muss er es lüften. Ein spannendes Katz-und-Maus-Spiel beginnt zwischen dem jungen Mann und der mysteriösen Frau. Hochgelobt von den damaligen Kritikern erlebte "Lady Audley's Secret" bereits im Jahr seines Erscheinens, 1862, einen bis dahin unerreichten Erfolg. Braddons Buch wurde übersetzt, verfilmt und auf die Theaterbühnen der Welt gebracht.
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"Geschichten für schlaflose Nächte" bietet Ihnen die schönsten, gruseligsten, unheimlichsten und atemberaubendsten Kurzgeschichten der okkulten und übernatürlichen Belletristik. Klassiker des Horror-, Geister- und Mystery-Genres erwachen hier zu neuem Leben. Band 8: Die kalte Umarmung Er war jung, hübsch, fleißig, enthusiastisch, metaphysisch, wagemutig, ungläubig, herzlos. Er war ein Künstler und Liebe war für ihn nur etwas zeitweiliges. Während er seiner Geliebten erzählt, dass er für sie selbst aus dem Jenseits zurückkehren würde, wendet er sich bereits anderen Frauen zu. Bald sieht keine Geliebte keinen Ausweg mehr. Sie bringt sich um und es zeigt sich, dass Liebe nach dem Tod tatsächlich dramatische Formen annehmen kann ...
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A wonderful life story, with secrets and romance, where the strongest human feelings and impulses win in a difficult moral struggle. The author has beautifully written the image of Elinor, first an impressionable teenager, and after a sensible, kind, loving girl. A lot of interesting, unexpected moments and turns, a secret investigation, secrets associated with the legacy of the old aristocrat and his will, which became an apple of discord between the characters of the book. An unexpected ending finishes the book perfectly. A very interesting, well-written work.
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Welcome to the Essential Novelists book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors. For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the two most important and meaningful novels of Mary Elizabeth Braddonwhich areLady Audley's Secret and The Infidel. Mary Elizabeth Braddon was an English popular novelist of the Victorian era. She is best known for her 1862 sensation novel Lady Audley's Secret, which has also been dramatised and filmed several times. Novels selected for this book: - Lady Audley's Secret - The InfidelThis is one of many books in the series Essential Novelists. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the authors.
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Women are forced to marry and forced to marry for money, not love. As in all her books, the basis is a mystery, and, like everything I read, for the reader, the screaming is obvious what is actually happening. But this does not detract from the expectations of history. The characters are well drawn, each with a distinctive style.
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Dunbar is the heir to a large English banking firm, but makes a serious mistake in his youth. His father and uncle expel him to India for his sins. Of course, everything is not so serious, since its isolation includes the leadership of their Indian branch. Then, after the death of his father, he returns to England. All this happens in the first few chapters!
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Edward, a handsome young soldier, considers Mary a charming child. John, the widow, is sick and poor, and asks Edward to keep an eye on Mary after his imminent death, whenever that happens. John stands in line, behind several other relatives, to inherit a huge mansion and income, and he warns Edward if he ever happens before his own death, beware of the evil relative who is next in line after himself because this person will do everything to snatch the inheritance from Mary.
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Lady Audley's Secret is a sensation novel by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. The plot was summarised by literary critic Elaine Showalter (1982): "Braddon's bigamous heroine deserts her child, pushes husband number one down a well, thinks about poisoning husband number two and sets fire to a hotel in which her other male acquaintances are residing". Elements of the novel mirror themes of the real-life Constance Kent case of June 1860 which gripped the nation for years. A follow-up novel, Aurora Floyd, appeared in 1863. Braddon set the story in Ingatestone Hall, Essex, inspired by a visit there. There have been three silent film adaptations, one UK television version in 2000, and three minor stage adaptations. Braddon initially sold the rights to the Irish publisher John Maxwell, with whom Braddon also lived and had children. Maxwell published it in his ailing magazine Robin Goodfellow, but Braddon did not labour much, writing the final third in less than two weeks. Not until it was published as a three-volume novel by William Tinsley did it become a success and allow Braddon to be financially independent for the remainder of her life. It also enriched her publisher William Tinsley, who went on to build a villa at Barnes, 'Audley Lodge', with the profits. Notably for the bigamous nature of the plot, Maxwell himself was married to another woman and thus Braddon was unable to marry him until his wife died in 1874. When it became public that Maxwell and Braddon had been living in an "irregular" arrangement all those years, it caused a minor scandal during which all their servants gave notice.
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Lady Audley's Secret - Mary Elizabeth Braddon - Written in 1862 by the considerably talented sensation novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon, "Lady Audley's Secret" is a story revolving around Robert Audley, a man determined to find out the cause of his friend George Talboys' death. As the mystery unfolds, Robert meets his uncle's wife, Lucy Audley, who he suspects of keeping secrets. With his friend's son in questionable safety and lies, deception, and treachery closing in around him, Robert must uncover all that has been hidden while finding himself in increasing peril. A bestseller in Victorian England despite its scandalously immoral content, "Lady Audley's Secret" addresses the domestic anxieties, gender and class conflicts, and consequences of industrialization of an era, ultimately creating a heroine as remarkable as she was threatening in her time.
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The heroes of this novel became victims of intrigue with the tuned arms of a golden-haired beauty who knew how good she wanted only luxury and honors. The reader after the first chapter understands what the heroine is hiding for the secret, although the villain will be more accurate, because throughout the novel she brings the rest only evil, the meaning of which they understand much later. The ball of intrigue that she had been spinning all this time would eventually be unraveled by the most inappropriate person who would not even think that such a shrewd mind was hidden in his head. No matter how complicated the riddle is, it will still be solved...
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This is a story about a knight who lost his wife during childbirth and his two daughters. The eldest daughter Hyacinth with a family monastery in Paris and Angela in a Flemish monastery with an aunt. The cloisters and surroundings were like night and day. The story of the reunion of the sisters after several years apart. The sisters have different moral values, but their sisterly cares prevail until forbidden love paves the way for despair. The author does not disappoint the Gothic romantic reader and the end, be he sad, but not all together are hopeless in the reader’s mind.
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Milly Darrell isn’t the narrator, but the story is based around her. Mary Crofton is a new governess who meets her in school, and agrees to spend her vacation with Milly. She soon has to deal with the intrigues of Milly’s evil stepmother Augusta and possessive cousin Julian. Fortunately, Mary figures out that Milly is being poisoned thanks to noticing the wrong cork on a medicine bottle. Augusta’s no Lady Audley.
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Events unfold in England. Two friends who lived a wild life in their youth meet a rich but innocent heiress. Everyone plans to marry her, but for various reasons – one for her wealth, another for true love. Who will win her hand?
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This book is romance, mystery, murder, Christian and the best part of lost love. The main character listened to the often told story, kneeling in the firelight, at her aunt’s knee, a ruddy glow gently touched her light soft hair and a brighter forehead, her large blue eyes looked with love on Mrs. Tregonell’s face. „And he was a widower, Aunt Diana,” she repeated with an expression of disgust, as if something had clenched her teeth.
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The plot of the book contrasts with the life of two ladies Hazelden, named Maria and Lesbia. Lady Mary Hazelden is much more meek and stereotypically feminine than other heroes of sensational novels such as Alicia Audley, Marian Halcomb and Magdalen Vanstone. She falls in love with a poor man named Mr. Hammond and is trying to learn how to work to compensate for her lower social status after she marries him. Her grandmother seems not to mind if she gets married because she has freckles and tanned skin, because the Victorian ideal of beauty probably resembles a vampire.
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