Źródło opisu
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Besserie, Maylis
Hassett, Joseph M
Hogan, Desmond
Ryan, John A
William, King
Alastair, Campbell
Behan, Brendan
Besserie, Malylis
Birdy, Estelle
Butler, Hubert
Crosbie, Harry
Crowley, Elaine
Curran, Kevin
Devlin, Martina
Duncan, Adrian
Edgeworth, Maria
Grianna, Seosamh Mac
Higgins, Michael D
Keating, Justin
Kenny, Adrian
Kevin, Power
Lyons, Alice
Mallon, Seamus
Martin, Emer
Mok, Judith
O'Byrne, Robert
O'Malley, Ernie
O'Malley, Padraig
O'Reilly, Mick
Parker, Stewart
Pincher, Michael Chapman
Preston, Caroline
Rahill, Elske
Sagarra, Eda
Shine, Catriona
Somerville, Rowan
Sweetman, Rosita
Vignoles, Julian
Whelan, Bill
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
Kraj wydania
48 wyników Filtruj
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Pádraig O'Malley's Perils & Prospects of a United Ireland presents a wide-ranging and unique study of the questions around the future of Northern Irish politics, including the idea of reunification. O'Malley has forged relationships across the political divide for over half a century and here he attemps to ascertain whether, after decades of interaction – but especially since the B/GFA – the protagonists are any closer to working co-operatively. In this book, O'Malley explores the factors that might lead to the Northern Ireland Secretary of State calling a border referendum and the challenges both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland would face. How might that majority for unity, a simple 50 per cent + 1, emerge? What criteria might a Secretary of State draw on to make their judgment call? Including interviews from ninety-seven political players, academics, political influencers, a cross-section of the political grandees who negotiated the B/GFA and faith leaders between February 2020 and June 2021, O'Malley takes a temperature check of opinions from Northern Ireland with a sampling of opinion in the South. Interviewees included party leaders Jeffrey Donaldson (Democratic Unionist Party, DUP), Doug Beattie (Ulster Unionist Party, UUP), Naomi Long (Alliance), Colum Eastwood (Social Democratic and Labour Party, SDLP) and Billy Hutchinson (Progressive Unionist Party, PUP), and members of the Ard Comhairle, Matt Carty TD and Chris Hazzard MP. Focusing on the topics of the Northern Ireland Protocol, the Good Friday Agreement, Brexit, Unionism, Nationalism, the economics of potential reunification or continued partition, and the broad range of Northern Irish identities, this work encompasses the most up-to-date and considered review of political actions so far. A must-read for those interested in the future of Northern Ireland.
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In From Lucifer to Lazarus: A Life on the Left, Mick O'Reilly shares his experiences as a politician and trade unionist, with his unwavering thoughts and insights focused on controversial, complex issues. O'Reilly was a member at different times of both the Communist and Labour Party from the 1960s to the present day, navigating the shoals and eddies of the Irish Left with an informed relish. His experiences with the National Union of Vehicle Builders brought him to the leadership of the Amalgamated Transport and General Workers' Union in 1992 – a position from which he was controversially dismissed in 2001; like Lazarus, he was fully reinstated in 2004 following a bitter battle across two jurisdictions in Dublin and Belfast. O'Reilly gives an insider's view of the power struggles, strikes and negotiations in a career spanning almost five decades. From his working-class base in the Liberties and Ballyfermot, this young firebrand joined the Dublin Housing Action Committee and the Connolly Youth Movement, witnessing and actively participating in the key events that have formed modern Ireland. O'Reilly's Labour Left sparked reform within the Labour Party, establishing that the leader must be elected by democratic mandate among its members. The principle of solidarity has guided Mick as worker, activist and union official all his life. Writing as he speaks, O'Reilly brings late twentieth-century Ireland to life and offers a pithy, acerbic commentary on the development of its trade union movement and the Irish Left, with illuminating pen portraits of friends and foes alike. This socio-political memoir is infused with passion and personal perspective, emphasizing the ultimate strength of collective action in the face of adversity. From Lucifer to Lazarus is an invaluable record of a fissured world transcended; its authenticity sets it apart as an honest, intimate read.
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In a great Irish tradition of autobiographical fiction that includes James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Seamus Deane's Reading in the Dark, Parker's poignant novel depicts events surrounding the amputation of his left leg as a nineteen-year-old university student. Masterful vignettes present the callow protagonist's life before, during and after this ordeal. Belfast, drear locus of rain and despond, contributes to the heaviness at the novel's heart, as its characters strive to rise above the pervasive melancholy of the city and find some human happiness that they can share. Tosh, Parker's alter-ego, is drifting through life before his cancer diagnosis, plagued by the twin 'cankers' of a puzzling pain in the leg and a crippling loneliness. The amputation forces him into a more authentic relationship with life, which 'Starts with the wound. Ends with the kiss. For the lucky ones.' This remarkable, posthumously edited work, largely written in the early 1970s, prefigures the skills Parker would demonstrate in his plays: plainspoken and stoical in tone, the emotion seeps through a membrane of numb reserve. The writing is impressionistically vivid, the descriptions of pain and discomfort wholly authoritative. Hopdance is a beautiful, sincere, personal testament by a true artist, a wondrous 'lost treasure' of literature now presented to its reading public.
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In 1974, 22-year-old virgin sailor Mick escapes unemployment, family and 3-day-week London to become a deckhand on a small sailboat, Gay Gander, setting out to sail the Atlantic from England's West Country, via the Canaries, to Antigua in the Caribbean.Under the eye of an unfathomable skipper, John Francis Kearney, and his formidable sailing companion Carola (both escaping from a rain-sodden Ireland and broken marriages), Mick has to learn sailing, table manners, bridging the generation gap and getting along with Stryder, the Russian Blue ship's cat.Set in a time when the oceans were plastic-free, a compass, clock and sextant were the only way of finding out where you were; Mick finds love, gets marooned, almost drowns and jumps ship to escape mortal danger in the Caribbean.Long Lost Log should be fiction but is the true story of a voyage of discovery that Mick – against all odds – survived to tell this remarkable and hilarious tale. In charting his adventure of a lifetime, the author lost his logbook – until fifty years later the diary surfaces out the of the blue during an old girlfriend's attic clearout. This witty, well-paced rite of passage is full of freshness, sexual impulse and a clash of values. The addition of '70s hippiedom at the many ports-of-call catches the history of the day. Long Lost Log is a voyage of discovery into the price of being free.His inner and outer journey combines danger with the unexpected, the erotic and the comic, in a resonantly related rite of passage that leaps from the page like the curious whale that once disturbed the narrator's watch.
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The Tottenham family is falling apart. There is no money to maintain the crumbling house and farm in County Westmeath, so decisions have to be made. Brothers Nick and Tony, with no prospect of a future in rural Ireland, make the long journey to their uncle's ranch in Australia. As World War Two looms, the entire family signs up to fight: mathematician mother Eleanor calculates flight paths; sister Rose repairs radar masts in Lincolnshire; Nick and Tony, like thousands of others, enlist in Australia; even their ageing father Gerald signs up for duty in the Far East. Little do each foresee what terror, starvation and heartache lay ahead, and what it would take to survive. In a gripping narrative that spans four generations and encompasses the battlefields of Syria and Egypt, the Australian outback, night sorties over Germany, English airfields and the horrors of a Sumatran prison camp, this is a harrowing story of hardship and heroism, based on an Irish family's experience.
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You need a little hypocrisy in you,' he told me more than once. You need to be a little tainted if you are not to be corrupted altogether.' The French call it entre chien et loup . . . Darkly moving, often shocking, this interwoven story follows three college students, desperately searching for a place between the familiar and the strange as they careen towards self- knowledge. Cassandra, volatile and scarred by loss, has been sculpted by the bohemian high life and then discarded. Oisín, a country boy pulsing with sexual aggression, is prone to equal flights of rage and compassion. And you, Helen. Helen, who takes these two fractured lives and dashes them against herself, creating ripples that twist and distort their images of what should be. In this stunning debut novel, each character forces the boundaries of normality, negotiating the chasms of their own violent sexuality and decay. A dark, insightful and utterly compelling book. Beautifully written.' Donal Ryan
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"Ryan's gentle appreciation of the significance but wonder of ordinary lives [makes this] a wonderful collection." -Tom Moriarty, The Irish Times In this lyrical and compelling collection of tales of the quotidian, John A. Ryan paints a sincere picture of Ireland, it's environment and people. His delicate awareness of the world around him is reflected in every paragraph of these poetic and contemplative pieces. Each is infused with a sense of mindfulness, slowness and the almost divine nature of the small and the commonplace, reminding the reader of the sacredness of life at the heart of the universe.
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Mo'soor / John A. Ryan. - [miejsce nieznane] : The Lilliput Press : Legimi, 2013.
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He said his name was Monsieur Jean-Louis Ovide; my name, I told him, was Ulick MacKettrick, and with this mutually incomprehensible introduction we fell into step, as we were both headed in roughly the same direction.' An Irish musician and a French free-thinking eccentric journey through Normandy in the summertime, overcoming language barriers to form a unique friendship, the one deploying words, the other song. Walking the country lanes together, playing music for pleasure and for food, they pick up odd jobs and sleep out of doors. As they travel between villages other characters come into play: Felix, a young, sports-car-driving socialist who trades Cuban cigars for potatoes; Sir Peter and Lady Em, wealthy hosts who share their love of music. In the company of Ulick and Mo'soor, a French summer comes alive with traditional airs and renewed understandings. The timeless pastoral setting of this beautifully crafted novella echoes both Oliver Goldsmith and Guy de Maupassant, creating a unique interlude in a clamorous world.
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Professor Eda Sagarra, born in 1933, has been a significant and influential figure in Irish and European academic policy-making, contributing to the early development of the Erasmus scheme. Now, aged nearly 88, this memoir gives striking evidence of her self-discipline and formidable energy. This substantial memoir by one of the foremost female academics in Ireland starts with Sagarra's own perspective on committing her life story to history during the pandemic lockdown of 2020:The following memoir recalls for those born in the present century and schooled without the strong sense of Irish history, which defined our people from the Great Famine of the 1840s until recent times, what it was like to grow up as a woman in the twentieth century and seek a career in a man's world. It tries to re-capture as much what it felt like to the person experiencing it as what was happening in society. Younger people today who read of the restrictions to which women were subject in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, will find it difficult to comprehend why our generation and the one that followed ours didn't challenge them. But probably the greatest contrast between the Ireland of then and now was the room for manoeuvre – or rather the absence of it. Today our lives are premised on a constantly changing world. Ireland is more connected across the globe than ever it was. Today most people are mobile. The Ireland when I was young was in almost every respect a static, hierarchical and paternalist society, one in which the accident of your birth would generally determine your whole life. No life is representative, but every person's experience is unique and worth recording for those who come after us.A south Dublin convent girl, Sagarra probes childhood and family, schooling, and UCD — with a perceptive commentary on the Ireland of the 1930s and 1940s. Her remarkable memory and shrewd eye for detail present at times a painfully honest account of family and in the upper middle-class world of Catholic south Dublin, revealing the profound influence of Europe during her postgraduate years in post-war Germany, Switzerland and Austria.Running through this forensic account of her academic life is a keen awareness of the constant if subtle barriers to female advancement. For contemporary critics reconstructing the history of gender equality in Ireland and for readers of feminist history, this makes for essential reading. Her description of retirement since 1998 is colourful, poignant and revealing, and her reflections on old age and youth resonate.
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Habitat / Catriona Shine. - [miejsce nieznane] : The Lilliput Press : Legimi, 2024.
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Habitat follows seven neighbours over the course of a surreal and life-changing week as their mid-century apartment building in Oslo begins to inexplicably break down around them. Connected by familial ties, long acquaintance, simmering feuds and longing glimpses, the residents of the building are bound to one another in more ways than they know. As each inhabitant is touched by strange and sinister phenomena, and their apartment-sized worlds begin to fray at the seams, they struggle to grasp that this is a shared crisis that cannot be borne alone. This remarkable debut novel from one of Ireland's most promising emerging talents is a startling parable of our uncertain age – a beautiful and inciteful examination of how we deal with seismic events beyond our comprehension and how we can only truly find meaning through shared understanding. Habitat is comparable to Kafka's Metamorphosis or Eugène Ionesco's Rhinoceros in how people respond to an uncanny situation. The building components give their own take on being used for the purposes of these people, their voices containing the longer perspective of materials that existed before the building, and which will survive in some form beyond its destruction.
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Beat / Rowan Somerville. - [miejsce nieznane] : The Lilliput Press : Legimi, 2017.
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'Rowan Somerville has written an amazing book. Beat is a riveting, intelligent and scrupulously honest journey through the torment of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It runs the gamut of human behaviour, from blood-curdling barbarity to extraordinary generosity; a tour de force.' – Lara Marlowe, The Irish Times In the midst of the Second Intifada, two acts of extreme violence lead to an act of extraordinary humanity. A suicide bomb was detonated outside a nightclub in Tel Aviv, killing twenty-two people, mostly young Israelis. The next day, in an apparently retributive act of violence, an Israeli settler shot Palestinian pharmacist, Mazan Al-Joulani in the neck, rendering him brain-dead. From the ashes of these deadly events, rose an incredible act of generosity, when the family of Al-Joulani agreed to donate his heart to a dying Israeli. The son of pioneering cardiologists, Rowan Somerville travelled to the Levant to speak with survivors and their families, interviewing the surgeon who performed the transplant, and meeting the family of the suicide bomber Saeed Hotari. In this moving account of human anger and forgiveness, Somerville untangles the roots of violence, faith and tribal conflict, and examines the possibility of redemption. In this close look at humanity at work, Somerville's writing is at once personal and objective, an outsider's unbiased view of events steeped in, but overcoming, prejudice. The close observations and fast-paced narrative style have the immediacy of a contemporary thriller. Expertly weaving together events immediately before and after the violence, and his own experiences speaking with survivors and people concerned, Somerville gives a nuanced reading of the many uses of the human heart.
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"This book has everything: nuns, sex, confusion, mini skirts, drink, misogyny." - Shane McGowan Rosita Sweeman's Fathers Come First is a coming-of-age classic set against a Dublin-city backdrop. Elizabeth is both daring and subversive, grappling with the pressures of conforming to societal expectations in 70s Ireland - social, physical and sexual. In a world informed by a Catholic upbringing, she wonders whether her indiscretions belong in the letterbox or the confession box. Curious, unflinching and disarmingly honest, teenager turned twenty-something Lizzie speaks to the changes and continuities in Irish society across forty years. This is a novel as relevant today as when it was first published in 1974.
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"A Delicate Wildness: The Life and Loves of David Thomson' is a must read." -Michael McDowell SC, Irish Independent. David Thompson was a Scottish writer, folklorist and radio producer, who became an honorary Irishman. His life took a defining turn when he came to County Roscommon in the 1930's to tutor the daughters of the Kirkwood family. He fell in love with the daughter Phoebe Kirkwood and returned to London in 1939, becoming a radio producer with the BBC. David Thomson was uniquely talented. His life was dominated by his love of women and locale, including Ireland, Scotland, London. With over fifty unseen photographs, this biography speaks to what Seamus Heaney called Thomson's 'delicate wildness' and to the contradictions and passions of a singular man.
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Riverdance exploded across the stage at Dublin's Point Theatre one spring evening in 1994 during a seven-minute interval of the Eurovision Song Contest hosted by Ireland. It was a watershed moment in the cultural history of a country embracing the future, a confident leap into world music grounded in the footfall of the choreographed kick-line. It was a moment forty-five years in the making for its composer.In this tenderly unfurled memoir Bill Whelan rehearses a lifetime of unconscious preparation as step by step he revisits his past, from with his Barrington Street home in 1950s Limerick, to the forcing ground of University College Dublin and the Law Library during the 1960s, to his attic studio in Ranelagh. Along the way the reader is introduced to people and places in the immersive world of fellow musicians, artists and producers, friends and collaborators, embracing the spectrum of Irish music as it broke boundaries, entering the global slipstream of the 1980s and 1990s. As art and commerce fused, dramas and contending personalities come to view behind the arras of stage, screen and recording desk.Whelan pays tribute to a parade of those who formed his world. He describes the warmth and sustenance of his Limerick childhood, his parents and Denise Quinn, won through assiduous courtship; the McCourts and Jesuit fathers of his early days, the breakthrough with a tempestuous Richard Harris who summoned him to London; Danny Doyle, Shay Healy, Dickie Rock, Planxty, The Dubliners and Stockton's Wing, Noel Pearson, Seán Ó Riada; working with Jimmy Webb, Leon Uris, The Corrs, Paul McGuinness, Moya Doherty, John McColgan, Jean Butler and Michael Flatley.Written with wry, inimitable Irish humour and insight, Bill Whelan's self-deprecation allows us to see the players in all their glory, vulnerability and idiosyncracy. This fascinating work reveals the nuts, bolts, sheer effort and serendipities that formed the road to Riverdance in his reinvention of the Irish tradition for a modern age. As the show went on to perform to millions worldwide, Whelan was honoured with a 1997 Grammy Award when Riverdance was named the 'Best Musical Show Album.' Richly detailed and illustrated, The Road to Riverdance forms an enduring repository of memory for all concerned with the performing arts.
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Behind the high walls of a Dublin seminary, students for the priesthood gather around a television set to watch the opening of Vatican II. Seduced by the power emanating from Rome, these young men have abandoned their natural instincts to follow the Nazarene carpenter. But the seminary is choking their freedom. The spirited Mac is expelled for a tryst. Others too pack their bags. After ordination, the leave-takings continue. It becomes clear that the Irish Church is reluctant to adapt to a rapidly changing world. Later, the same Church will be rocked by sexual scandals. 'A Lost Tribe' is a poignant story of the rise and fall of the Irish priest, from being God's representative on earth to becoming a member of an endangered species.
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'An engaging and poignant read' – THE IRISH TIMES 'For the strangled impulse, there is no redemption.' William King's daring first novel offers an insight into the conflicted, political, brotherly world of the priesthood. Re-issued for the first time since its publication in 1997, it is augmented with an afterword by the author reflecting on his work. The Strangled Impulse follows a young curate uprooted from a comfortable parish to serve the pastoral needs of working-class North Dublin. Set against the backdrop of the Church's dwindling influence in 1970s Ireland and an increased scrutiny of priests' personal lives, this is the story of Father O'Neill's battles between the demands of his vocation and his own desires. His loneliness leads him to an attractive yet wounded woman, and together they find a solace they once thought impossible. As O'Neill struggles with the promises he made on ordination day, their newfound intimacy threatens to destroy them both.
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A Life in Postcards. - [miejsce nieznane] : The Lilliput Press : Legimi, 2013.
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'Many people will remember Melosina's voice from Sunday Miscellany', where these pieces were first broadcast, or have read them in Irishwoman's Diary' in The Irish Times. Though all of her writing conveys her distinctive slant on things, relatively few of her essays were directly concerned with her personal life. Several of these are collected here, including a moving account of her first experience of the cancer from which she eventually died in 2011. Growing up as a teaplanter's daughter in Sri Lanka (then Ceylon), evacuated with her mother to Africa during the war, Melosina Lenox-Conyngham acquired early on a taste for travel and an interest in the curiosities of life. Certainly these qualities are well illustrated in this collection. Her many years as Secretary to the Butler Society gave her expertise at rallying the clan as well as a special interest in key figures from Kilkenny local history. Vignettes of Irish social life take us to houses that have never been sold or fill readers in on the strange eventful history of a portrait of the Duchess of Devonshire. Some of the most intriguing of the essays cover her travels to remote parts of the globe, to Yemen, the home of the legendary Queen of Sheba, to Nagaland in the far north-east of India, or to Timbuktu in Mali. But even if it is only a visit to a restaurant in Barcelona where food is served entirely in the dark, or an artistic centre high in the Pyrennees, the amused gaze of the writer brings the experience vividly to life. Edited by her niece Sophia Grene, the volume is divided into several sections each of which is introduced by members of the family or friends who round out the sense of the writer's life. This anthology of Melosina Lenox-Conygham's writings, so rich in her delightful sense of humour, her ironic and quizzical pleasure in the world around her, has something for everyone to enjoy.
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Archipelago. - [miejsce nieznane] : The Lilliput Press : Legimi, 2021.
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Archipelago was one of the most vital literary magazines of the early decades of the century. It ran to twelve numbers from 2007 to 2019, edited by scholar-poet Andrew McNeillie with the assistance later of James Macdonald Lockhart. Begun as an attempt to reimagine the relationships between the islands of Ireland and Britain, it brought together divergent voices in creative conversations that have transformed the study of islands, coasts and wilderness. The work journeys here and there from the Shetlands to Cornwall, and from the Aran Islands to the coast of Yorkshire, exploring the cultures of diverse zones through some of the best in contemporary writing about landscape, place and people. It lends a telling perspective to our world now fast being defined by climate and environmental degradation.A gathering of poetry, prose and visual artcentred upon the Irish and British archipelago,these varied contributions beckon the readertowards a 'Raised Beach' of words and imagesagainst the attrition of digitised modernitythrough this constellation of writers and artists.
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An invaluable collection of Irish Periodicals edited by Barbara Hayley and Enda McKay
Das E-Book Three Hundred Years of Irish Periodicals wird angeboten von The Lilliput Press und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert:
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Trinity Tales. - [miejsce nieznane] : The Lilliput Press : Legimi, 2013.
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Dublin's Trinity College in the ????s was a haven of intellect and swagger in the recession-swept island of Ireland. Within its confines, students imbued with the future teetered on the brink of independence. This third volume of Trinity Tales, enlarging on the earlier sixties and seventies editions, includes recollections of novelist Anne Enright, economist and author David McWilliams, politician Ivana Bacik, playwright Michael West, journalist and publisher Michael Doherty, actress Pauline McLynn, rugby international Hugo MacNeill, and inner-city GP and disabled-rights activist Austin O'Carroll. The decade is bookended by scholar-flâneur Patrick Healy and poet Gerald Dawe, who bring outsiders' perspectives to this strangest of institutions. Against a background of anti-apartheid agitation, Northern Ireland's 'Troubles' and a loosening of conventions, this fresh generation of former students recount how they passed their time in college, and how, emboldened by inspirational lecturers such as Brendan Kennelly and Mary Robinson, and the performances of their peers, they were propelled to adulthood by the clash of class, the comfort of sex and camaraderie, and the bittersweet knowledge of the fleeting nature of 'the best days of your life'.
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